Community College of Vermont Article About Belonging and Learning by Katie Keszey
Kirkus Review of Empathy Unchained: Heal Your Trauma, Uplift the World
Ten Ways to End Elitism in Math Classes (2023). Inside Higher Ed
Walk… and Live Longer in Serenan Newsletter (Paper), (2023)
Connect to Nature. Breathe More. Live Happier in Serenan Newsletter (Paper), (2023)
“What is the best way to respond to educators when they say they don’t see race?”(2019)           Felicia Darling with Education Week’s Larry Ferlazzo
How to respond when a colleague says or does something that is racist?” (2019). Felicia           Darling with Education Week‘s Larry Ferlazzo
• Fair is not Equal (2019). Education Week 
• Student Agency is Ownership (2019). Education Week 
• Interview by Scott Jaschik, (2019) Inside Higher Ed 
Chronicle of Higher Education (2019). Selected Books on Higher Education 

• How to Make Authentic Research Experiences Widely Available (2019).  Chronicle of Higher Education 


• Anita Novak’s Empathy Book Club
The New College Mindset  Jerica Lamar interviews Felicia Darling MAY, 2024
Empathy Book Author Summit (February, 2023)
Achieving the Dream 2020 Conference Keynote (February, 2020).
• Interview, The Best of Our Knowledge, host Bob Barrett (2019). WAMC Northeast Public Radio 
• Interview, Education Today, Kitty Kelly Epstein (2019).  KPFA 94.1FM
• Interview, Modern Education, Ben Woodford (2019).  Stanford’s KZSU 90.1FM 

•Darling. F & Barragán Torres, M. (2021). Estrategias comunitarias de resolución de problemas matemáticos en una comunidad maya en Yucatán, RLEE.
Make Cultural Assets Count in Community College: Lessons learned from piloting math tasks in a Yucatec Maya school. (July, 2020) Innovation Abstracts, 7(25), NISOD UT Austin.

• Darling, F. (2019). Incorporating cultural assets in Yucatec Maya math classrooms. Opportunities missed? Journal of Mathematics and Culture. 13(1), 20-60.
• Darling, F. (2019). SRJC Lecture & Arts, Santa Rosa, CA. Making Cultural Assets Count: Funds of knowledge in a Yucatec Maya math classrooms.
• Darling, F. (2017). Outsider Indigenous Research: Dancing the Tightrope Between Etic and Emic Perspectives. Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 17(3).
Darling, F. (2016). Psychology of Mathematics Education-North America  (PME-NA) Conference, Tucson, AZ. Making Cultural Assets Count: Community approaches to problem-solving in Yucatec Maya math classrooms.
Darling, F. (2016). American Psychological Association(APA) Society for the Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race Conference, Stanford, CA. Is this math? Community approaches to problem-solving in a Yucatec Maya village.
Darling, F. (2012). Book Review of Maths in the Kimberley: Reforming Mathematics in Remote Indigenous Communities by R. Jorgensen, P. Sullivan, P. Grootenboer, R. Niesche,  S. Lerman, and J. Boaler International Journal of Multicultural Education. 14(1).